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كلمات اغنية Isn't She Lovely Lyrics للمطرب Stevie Wonder


ستيف وندراسطورة الغناء الامريكى من انجح المطربين الامريكان واشهرهم وله جمهور عريض فى كل انحاء العالم يتابعوا اخباره واجدد اغانيه وهو من الاصوات الذهبيه التى تلامس القلب بمجرد الغناء واليوم لكل عشاق المطرب ستيف وندر نقدم لهم كلمات الاغنيه

Isn't She Lovely

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?
Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old
I never thought through love
We'd be making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love?

Isn't she pretty? Truly the Angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy, we have been Heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us He's given life to one
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

But isn't she lovely made from love?

Isn't she lovely? Life and love are the same
Life is Aisha, the meaning of her name
Londie, it could have not been done
Without you who conceived the one
That's so very lovely, made from love

Read more: Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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